The Workout thread 2
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Author:  Stuuuuuuu [ Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  The Workout thread 2

I just looked for the old thread on workouts, but if I can add posts, I'm not smart enough to figure out how. So I figured why not start a new one? We can use a little positive energy here, and very few things bring me as much positive energy as exercise.

Here's what's up with me: I want to join the local ball hockey league starting in April. I've never played any hockey before, even ball hockey. Just being a part of the league probabloy doesn't sound like much of a goal to many of you, but it would mean something to me. I played one pickup game last fall, and I was pretty ineffective, and ran out of gas within an hour. Don't want that to happen again, so I'm training until April.

What am I doing? Luckily, I have a parking lot that's almost always empty next to the house. I've been practicing stick-handling and shooting there, and trying to amp up my cardio workouts. In addition to my semi-normal gym workouts, I've just started using EA Sports Active 2, and I'm happy with it so far. That's one of the reasons I'm posting. In the first workout thread, I think Beth recommended it and said how it was better than Wii Fit, and I wanted to add my endorsement so far. Wii Fit is great, but Active takes it to the next level.

Other reason I wanted to restart the thread was to ask you all who do play hockey what kind of workouts and drills you recommend to give me a crash-course for how to prepare for playing in April. Knowing a lot of you, I don't think I should have to ask for advice twice.

So let's here about everyone else's fitness goals too, and make this a place to get encoragement and support. What's up in your exercise world?

Author:  PatGreen [ Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

make sure you're doing aerobic cardio...sprints and stuff. hockey is built on it. i wear ankle weights for training purposes. 3 lb or so...and sometimes i just wear 20lb ones around.

Author:  ironyisadeadscene [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

been playing goal 3 or 4 times a week. im pretty sure thatll help.

Author:  AudSabres [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

I can't echo Pat's words enough, Stuuuuu..

Cardio is a big time savior. You can practice stick handling all you want, but you also need to ensure you have the legs under you to get you through the game. Also, play to your strengths. If you happen to play a better stay at home D-man, then focus on that; same if you want to play a better 2 way game. If you want to be a forward, then you'll need your speed/endurance that much more. Being a moving defenseman, I usually try to run 5k/night and incorporate in some kind of lower body workout into the mix.

As for helping with your stick handling and stuff, even if it is by yourself, I'd recommend a tennis ball and learn the feel of that. I found the best way to handle the bounciness of either a hockey puck or ball is by using a tennis ball. It really helps to develop hand/eye. Some guys I play hockey with practice with golf balls. Just because they’re so sketchy to control. It kind of forces you to have softer hands and what not.

Hope this helps, man!

Author:  NYIntensity [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

Yep...I just started a new cardio routine and every other workout is basically 1 minute run/sprint, 1 minute jog. My watch has a neat repeat function for the timer, so I can't cheat :P

Author:  PatGreen [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

that's a retardedly long sprint

Author:  NYIntensity [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

That's why I said run/sprint; you don't have to 'sprint' as had as you can, but you want to go a bit faster than your normal run pace.

And I don't think it's that long at all, but I was also a distance runner for a long time.

Author:  Stuuuuuuu [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

A related goal I have is to be able to run two miles in 15 minutes by April. I realize running is going to be a huge part of hockey, but I've never been a real fan of running for running's sake. If I'm playing a game, I don't mind running, but I need a purpose like getting to the ball to motivate me to actually want to run.

Author:  NYIntensity [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

I have a similar 2-mile goal. Mine's faster than yours, but the distance is the same. What kind of workouts do you have planned? Have you done any serious running in the past?

Author:  Stuuuuuuu [ Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

I run on the threadmill to warm up 5-10 minutes before every strength-training workout at the gym. Typically I run between .5 mile and a mile, then do weights or whatever. No serious running in the past, mainly biking.

Gonna try to gradually increase the amount and pace I run on the threadmills, while still doing the EA Cardio 9-week program. The Wii workout is 4 times a week. I figure on trying to get into the gym twice a week or so in addition for 45-60 minute workouts, and running around with the stick and ball in the parking lot when weather permits.

Author:  NYIntensity [ Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

Well, 2.1 in 15:01 today for me. That puts me, I guess, at around 14:20 for 2mi. I want to get under 12:00 by May.

Author:  Ryan911T [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

I remember my first day of floor hockey playing on the floor. I made the mistake of not really getting in shape and eating some pizza and wings beforehand. I figured that the gym was small so it won't be too hard. I DIED and almost threw up that first night.

Since then I've tried to do more cardio. I play goal 95% of the time so I try to work on legs, abs, and back. My lower back would always hurt and be very sore playing floor so I'm trying to work on that and my abs. I also stretch all the time before and after workouts since I'm always flailing around in net.

Author:  Stuuuuuuu [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

NYIntensity wrote:
Well, 2.1 in 15:01 today for me. That puts me, I guess, at around 14:20 for 2mi. I want to get under 12:00 by May.

Damn, nice work. I did one mile in 8:45 then 30 minutes of strength-training.

Author:  Displaced Fan [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

I got out on my roller blades the other day for the first time in about 6 years and it wasn't too bad. I hike a lot but nothing in terms of actual exercise. I have cut back a lot on my drinking, basically a new rule of staying under the hangover mark so I can be a functioning adult on the weekends instead of feeling like death. Small steps right now for me. Drinking lots of water, taking my vitamins and getting to bed early. Sounds even more lam e when it's typed out..hahaah!

Author:  Stuuuuuuu [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

Displaced Fan wrote:
I got out on my roller blades the other day for the first time in about 6 years and it wasn't too bad. I hike a lot but nothing in terms of actual exercise. I have cut back a lot on my drinking, basically a new rule of staying under the hangover mark so I can be a functioning adult on the weekends instead of feeling like death. Small steps right now for me. Drinking lots of water, taking my vitamins and getting to bed early. Sounds even more lam e when it's typed out..hahaah!

Cutting back on drinking is the second element of my health goals. I love drinking, but it's pretty clear to me that I'd be headed for severe alcoholism if I don't change my patterns. 1-2 drinks in a day is good for you, but I just don't think I'm cut from the 1 drink a day cloth. Once I have two, I've had 6 before I know it. So I for one don't think your post sounds lame.

Author:  ironyisadeadscene [ Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

Stuuuuuuu wrote:
Displaced Fan wrote:
I got out on my roller blades the other day for the first time in about 6 years and it wasn't too bad. I hike a lot but nothing in terms of actual exercise. I have cut back a lot on my drinking, basically a new rule of staying under the hangover mark so I can be a functioning adult on the weekends instead of feeling like death. Small steps right now for me. Drinking lots of water, taking my vitamins and getting to bed early. Sounds even more lam e when it's typed out..hahaah!

Cutting back on drinking is the second element of my health goals. I love drinking, but it's pretty clear to me that I'd be headed for severe alcoholism if I don't change my patterns. 1-2 drinks in a day is good for you, but I just don't think I'm cut from the 1 drink a day cloth. Once I have two, I've had 6 before I know it. So I for one don't think your post sounds lame.

same here. when i go drinking, ill go balls to the walls (got kicked out of 4 bars 2 fridays ago. good fun) but i dont do it nearly as much as i used to. i think you all know my drinking history.

Author:  NYIntensity [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

Stuuuuuuu wrote:
Displaced Fan wrote:
I got out on my roller blades the other day for the first time in about 6 years and it wasn't too bad. I hike a lot but nothing in terms of actual exercise. I have cut back a lot on my drinking, basically a new rule of staying under the hangover mark so I can be a functioning adult on the weekends instead of feeling like death. Small steps right now for me. Drinking lots of water, taking my vitamins and getting to bed early. Sounds even more lam e when it's typed out..hahaah!

Cutting back on drinking is the second element of my health goals. I love drinking, but it's pretty clear to me that I'd be headed for severe alcoholism if I don't change my patterns. 1-2 drinks in a day is good for you, but I just don't think I'm cut from the 1 drink a day cloth. Once I have two, I've had 6 before I know it. So I for one don't think your post sounds lame.

I'm of the same ilk; 2 becomes 6 pretty easily. I've limited myself to 1 a day (because I don't really prefer to chug beers, I stop at the grocery store and pick up a single bottle of whatever I feel like drinking, it's nothing "light"), and one weekend night of drinking. I feel so much better during the day; it's amazing.

15:17 last night, I'll probably use this thread to keep track if you don't mind. What is your rest schedule? I actually hate taking days off, and right now I don't feel so sore that I feel like I need one.

Author:  Displaced Fan [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

The thing that is kicking my ass right now are allergies. Aside from my whole face feeling attacked and my eyes stinging like I have two halves of fresh cut onion taped under them I have close to no energy. I've tried Zyrtec and Claritan but nothing has helped yet. I have no hangover excuses now so if I could wake up without feeling like shit because of allergies I'll be golden.

Author:  Stuuuuuuu [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

Yesterday was a rest day (in both aspects I guess since I drank no alcohol too), today EA Active. I more or less have it organized so Monday and Thursday are rest days.

Author:  jvaccaro6 [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Workout thread 2

I'm actually thinking about starting Inasnity, or The Asylum from Beachbody...I'm down to 165 (from 295) But can't seem to rid myself of this beer gut. (I guess stopping the drinking could help, but lets fact it, not gonna happen.) So I may end up getting pretty active in this thread.

As for conditioning. Make sure you change up the routine to keep progressing, and stop from getting bored. I used to do 5 mile run, then next day hill sprints, then the next day bike, rest day, Hill sprints, Run, just keeps you mixing it up so you don't get bored, and honestly Hills are amazing for leg strength and conditioning.

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