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 Post subject: Cali in the black?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:18 pm 
Franchise Defenseman
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I swear it felt like just months ago when I heard a story on NPR about how california is so in debt, billions of dollars in the red.

Then today I hear a story that they've turned that all around, and are now running a surplus of 800+ million.

It appears Gov. Brown really knows what the hell he's doing. Any chance we can get him in the white house, and....every congressional seat :) ?

Cross, you're on the left coast, have you guys had to deal with drastic changes to accomplish this? Any noticeable changes?

I am really impressed.

 Post subject: Re: Cali in the black?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:45 pm 
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noooo...we're not in the black and the person who wrote that article obviously doesn't live here. He read a press release or heard the rah-rah story that was on NPR this week about it.

What's happened over the last couple years is a shell game. There are several moving pieces.
1. Since we've been living under severe deficits for at least 5 years, everything that can be cut and them some, has been.
Our school years are a couple weeks shorter (unpaid furlough days for the staff), 1/3 of our courthouses have been closed (leading to a boom in the arbitration business since no one can get a day in court) and police and fire have been cut back....significantly in some places.

2. The state shifted tens of thousands of "non-violant" offenders from state prisons to county jails (not funding or severely underfunding this move) which, as you probably can guess has pissed off counties and cities because now *they're* the ones in the red.

3. Prop 30...since this is a leftist paradise, the voters passed a proposition in November that imposes across the board tax increases along with the tired and expected "soak the rich" adjusted brackets.,_Sales_and_Income_Tax_Increase_(2012)
It's allegedly a temporary increase, but I've been alive too long to believe that bullshit.

Essentially, when prop 30 passed, the budget hole was filled.

But with the budget gap filled, we still have our debt and we're still running with austerity imposed on public institutions.

Noticeable changes? Yeah.
I pay more in taxes for fewer services.
Funny how that works.

Edit: I should add, I've been a critic of Jerry Brown for a couple decades. However...He's been pretty pragmatic and more of a centrist the last couple years, still, I'd gladly loan his services to another state.

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: Cali in the black?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:30 pm 
Franchise Defenseman
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Man, that is interesting. I've heard two more stories about this since posting last, the last one NPR (terry gross I think) is basically blowing this guy on air. He's talking about how they've had to cut services, and how there are other huge bills about to come due soon. The way he described it was a bit like you mention, not as a shell game so much as just 'there really are no original forms of revenue', and we have to prioritize things.

 Post subject: Re: Cali in the black?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:08 pm 
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I'm no expert on Cali, but it seems like maybe the expenditures there are higher than those of other states due to the power and influence of the whole prison industry. Isn't the prison guard union in bed with the courts? Keeping so many people in jail ain't cheap.

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.

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