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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:56 pm 
Certifiably Hotter than ETC
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I gotta say, after watching Foligno and Kassian thus far in this tournament, I'm excited about how both play. With proper development, they're gonna translate really well to the NHL. Both are physical and strong along the boards, and play on the edge of the rule book, but bring an intimidating presence that has been missed here since the Barnaby, Ray days.

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Last edited by jvaccaro6 on Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:56 pm 
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I was very impressed by Kassian and Foligno's chemistry.

I think we have something here


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:57 pm 
Captain Clutch
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Now I hope the USA knock out Sweden, I cannot stand that team.

And of course seeing Canada win another gold ;)

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:03 pm 
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I love hearing Darcy "the moron" Regier being booed when he gave out the MVP's, that topped my night :D

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:09 pm 
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jvaccaro6 wrote:
I gotta say, after watching Foligno and Kassian thus far in this tournament, I'm excited about how both play. With proper development, they're gonna translate really well to the NHL. Both are physical and strong along the boards, and play on the edge of the rule book, but bring an intimidating presence that has been missed here since the Barnaby, Ray days.

Could've done without that Foligno mugging and not getting called for it.

"...they came down into the stands and asked if I knew how to do play by play. I said...No. But. I'll take a shot at it if you want".- Rick Jeanneret

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:12 pm 
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Los9090 wrote:
jvaccaro6 wrote:
I gotta say, after watching Foligno and Kassian thus far in this tournament, I'm excited about how both play. With proper development, they're gonna translate really well to the NHL. Both are physical and strong along the boards, and play on the edge of the rule book, but bring an intimidating presence that has been missed here since the Barnaby, Ray days.

Could've done without that Foligno mugging and not getting called for it.

You hate him now but you'll love him very soon.

just call me Brad

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fly as hale
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:10 am 
Mrs. Miller
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Oooof...was expecting that game to be much tighter. Campbell had some amazing saves, but Canada's powerful defensive prevented the US from getting any good scoring chances. Gotta hand it to them. The crowd wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but if the score would have been reversed, all hell probably would have broke loose.

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Hockey Night in Buffalo

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:12 am 
Thy Horror Cosmic
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Mad respect for Canada for how they played. Floored it from the opening face-off and never, ever let off the gas. USA never had a single damn chance...especially on the transition. That was the Americans' question mark coming into the tourney and a team finally had the talent to expose it.

Gonna root for Canada in the gold medal game (Canada is always my secondary rooting interest, especially lately with the slew of Sabres draft picks on the roster) and you can damn well bet I'll be showing my USA Hockey scarf with pride during the bronze medal game.

Lastly, I didn't care for Foligno throwing that extra hit into the bench, but if he plays like that as a Sabre...*fapfapfap*


fly as hale
PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:16 am 
Mrs. Miller
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Hmmm...Russia has really won me over this tournament, I've been impressed with their perseverance. Plus I met a Russian reporter who is really cool and I've been taking her around the city, so I think I'll root for Russia. :)

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Hockey Night in Buffalo

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:18 am 
Thy Horror Cosmic
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I want Russia to lose after how divey they've been. Aside from the Shikin dive of the century, they've still been good for two or three blatant flourishes a game. Fuck em.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:22 am 
Mrs. Miller
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Eh, idk. I'm annoyed at how many times Canada has gotten away with shit in the tournament too. But I honestly don't care that much... I'll be happy for them if they win gold. I thought I'd be way more pro-USA tonight, but I was enjoying watching Canada even though they were handing it to the Americans. After the Olympics I learned not to get so upset over hockey. It's supposed to be fun. Except for Leafs fans, fuck those guys. ;)

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hockey Night in Buffalo

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:24 am 
Thy Horror Cosmic
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Yes, ALWAYS fuck those guys :)


PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:10 am 
Franchise Defenseman
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All i know is i got to meet Joe Nieuwendyk and talk with one of his scouts and watch him in action during that russia vs sweden game, and ask him questions (denoted he was not happy sweden lost). As for the US vs canada game, the US really laid an egg and props to canada for really dominating the game. I did not stick around for the player of the game announcements, had to get home and watch what i could of the Orange bowl to give my opinion on mr. andrew luck. Good to hear regier got booed. Though i think there is a lot of quinnerference that sniveling pansy needs to be replaced. I mean nieuwnedyk was sitting with his scouts in the 300 level. i tried to be polite about asking for his autograph at the game though he sat next to me on the train ride in, while some other fans went up like it was his job to give them autographs, while the action was going on. i mean the guy has to work. But from what i've been hearing around the restaurants i'm not surprised.

good for the City that canada won as it keeps a lot of money going to the local businesses as the canadians stay that extra couple days, i'm guessing they otherwise would not have.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:58 am 
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As I mentioned earlier, Campbell played one hell of a game. It could have been more lopsided than it was had it not been for him. I hope the US goes with him in the game tomorrow and tramples all over Sweden! If anyone deserves a medal in this tourney its gatta be him! The only thing that brought out a "Fuck yeah!!!" for me from this game was the double hit of Foligno and Kassian. Why? I can't wait to see them doing that on this ice for our boys in the Blue & Gold!!! :pray:

The downside of this game was when I logged into facebook this morning and most of my homer Team Canada friends were rambling on as if they won the gold medal last night. The crap they were spewing really struck a nerve with me. This team hasn't won shit yet. By beating Team USA, Canada has only won a chance to face off against the Russian swim team; that’s it. Idk, they piss me off sometimes…

If it's a tight squeeze, spit on it! - NyI

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:06 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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You should really be careful with your reasoned and unbiased analysis of your national team. They might toss you out of hte country for not adhering to 100% full time homerism.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:22 pm 
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:lol: So true...

I've taken enough flak at work today to last me a lifetime about that game last night. Jesus, I understand people are passionate about the games and all, but wow the heat I've endured today just trying to speak reason. And it's not like I'm not as into this kind of hockey as the NHL. Maybe I just have the ability to call a spade a spade.

Except when it comes to the Sabres. At which point it's Blue & Gold colored beer goggles all the way! :lol:

If it's a tight squeeze, spit on it! - NyI

He's a middling AHL player who had the good fortune of a drunk arbitrator. - The Squanto re: Tim Kennedy

fly as hale
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:56 pm 
Mrs. Miller
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hockey Night in Buffalo

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:10 am 
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AudSabres wrote:
:lol: So true...

I've taken enough flak at work today to last me a lifetime about that game last night. Jesus, I understand people are passionate about the games and all, but wow the heat I've endured today just trying to speak reason. And it's not like I'm not as into this kind of hockey as the NHL. Maybe I just have the ability to call a spade a spade.

Except when it comes to the Sabres. At which point it's Blue & Gold colored beer goggles all the way! :lol:

Haha. I bet they are quiet as hell today aren't they? :)


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