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Mr. Natural
 Post subject: Worst Hockey Team Names
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:25 pm 
7th Defenseman
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A funny slide show of the 50 worst hockey team names. ... f-all-time

Some notable selections:

The Edmonton Swastikas (not kidding - they were a woman's hockey team from long before the Nazis ever existed)


The El Paso Cow Patties (take note of the steaming cow flop on the jersey)


And my favorite, a team from Macon, Georgia named Whoopee. That's right, Macon Whoopee (notice they managed to get the birds-and-the-bees on the jersey).


th' only knower of th' cosmic mysteries alive at this time

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:21 pm 
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that womens team is hilarious.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:09 am 
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:43 am 
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Swastikas was also the name of Windsor's first hockey team back in 1905.

The SWASTIKA is the world's oldest complex symbol and was used for centuries by many cultures before Adolph Hitler adopted it as a symbol for the Third Reich prior to the Second World War. What followed, resulted in the destruction of countless people and treasured property of inestimable value, and also altered the ancient symbolism of the swastika forever.

The Greeks, Romans, Hindus, Celts, Chinese, American Indians and others treasured the symbol. The swastika was interpreted by some as four "L's" meaning Love, Life, Luck and Light. For others it seems to have originated as crossed lightning bolts symbolizing a source of great power. To the Romans the swastika meant "Peace". To the Hindus it meant "Good Fortune"'. To the American Plains Indians it meant "Good Luck". To all cultures it was symbolic of something good until the Nazis turned its meaning around completely, to signify evil,death and destruction. They converted the world's oldest and most loved symbol to the most hated and feared of all.

Also, check out what the proper formation for hockey was back then..


:shock: ... story.html

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:19 pm 
Franchise Defenseman
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AudSabres wrote:
Swastikas was also the name of Windsor's first hockey team back in 1905.

The SWASTIKA is the world's oldest complex symbol and was used for centuries by many cultures before Adolph Hitler adopted it as a symbol for the Third Reich prior to the Second World War. What followed, resulted in the destruction of countless people and treasured property of inestimable value, and also altered the ancient symbolism of the swastika forever.

The Greeks, Romans, Hindus, Celts, Chinese, American Indians and others treasured the symbol. The swastika was interpreted by some as four "L's" meaning Love, Life, Luck and Light. For others it seems to have originated as crossed lightning bolts symbolizing a source of great power. To the Romans the swastika meant "Peace". To the Hindus it meant "Good Fortune"'. To the American Plains Indians it meant "Good Luck". To all cultures it was symbolic of something good until the Nazis turned its meaning around completely, to signify evil,death and destruction. They converted the world's oldest and most loved symbol to the most hated and feared of all.

Also, check out what the proper formation for hockey was back then..


:shock: ... story.html

to be fair, the vertical swastika is still a good symbol. its only when its tilted so the inside marks make an X that its nazi-themed. the sad part is that in mass culture any variation of the swastika is evil. fucking hitler...

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"That wasn't very nice...I do believe you killed my hat."

Driver of the FIRE LINDY RUFF Bandwagon since 2008.

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