SabresJunkie Code of Conduct
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Author:  admin [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  SabresJunkie Code of Conduct

In general, don't be a douche.

These forums are provided for the community, and we hope everyone will be welcomed. We ask that the site and all community members be respected.

There are specific posting guidelines below we request members adhere to when posting. Violations may result in account sanctions, including temporary and permanent bans, depending on the severity of the violation. Staff and Forum Moderators exercise full discretion to determine whether or not a post is appropriate, and reserve the right to edit, delete, ban and/or take other action with or without warning against any content posted on this site. We also reserve the right to edit this Code of Conduct at any time.

1. No Spam. Comments posted repeatedly in a thread or multiple threads on the same topic, links unrelated to the thread subject and other actions deemed spam by forum moderators will be deleted.

2. No Flaming. Comments deemed as abusive, offensive, trolling, obnoxious or provocative will be deleted without warning.

3. Stay on topic. Try to keep threads as on topic as possible. Repeated attempts to derail a thread after being asked to stop by thread participants or moderators may result in action taken.

4. No advertising. Please do not post threads designed to drive traffic to another site for the purpose of promotion. Linking to non-commercial, personal blogs, profiles etc. will be permitted in signatures or when relevant to the topic of discussion.

5. No ban evasion or multiple accounts.

6. Use the "report post" feature to notify the moderation team if you believe there has been a violation of the code of conduct.

7. Be considerate with image posting. If a picture may be considered "not safe for work" be it nudity, profanity or other potentially offensive materials, please use the "spoiler" tag to hide the picture from being displayed by default as some of our members may be visiting the site on public computers or be in the presence of children.

If you feel that a violation of these rules has occurred or have a dispute with a fellow member or action taken by forum staff, please contact a moderator.

Disciplinary action:
This forum employs a "three strike" policy. Moderators leave notes when an infraction occurs so there is a paper trail for all disciplinary action.

First offense: Offending post or thread may be edited or deleted and the user will be warned. Depending on severity, the user may also be timed out for 24 hours.

Second offense:
Offending post or thread may be edited or deleted and the user will be warned. Depending on severity, the user may also be timed out for up to one week.

Third offense: Offending post or thread may be edited or deleted and the user will be banned. All banning decisions will be discussed and agreed upon by at least two members of the moderating team.

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