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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:51 pm 
Thy Horror Cosmic
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BlueandYellow wrote:
Nice accuracy. Should have aimed for Bieber's nuts. That's a hard target to hit.

Truth. How do you aim for something that isn't there? Difficult shot indeed.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:55 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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I find this very accurate.

I don't understand all the fuss. Taylor Swift makes training bra music. Her shit is one step removed from a Fisher Price Little People CD. Every record she sells should come with a complimentary pack of Spree. If you're over fourteen, you shouldn't want anything to do with it. But no, every fucking adult music critic on Earth fawns over this girl and protects her like she's some kind of goddamn forest pixie. SHE'S SO MATURE FOR AGE! SHE HANDLED THAT KANYE SITUATION SO WELL! SHE'S SO ARTICULATE! No, seriously. Someone wrote that.

Swift's thoughtful honesty and surprisingly articulate take on life should be commended.

What is this, a fucking report card? HOORAY! SHE'S ALMOST 21 AND HAS THE ABILITY TO SPEAK! And since when is this chick honest? Have you heard some of these lyrics?

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

First of all, is there anything honest about that? This woman is a fucking ROCK STAR and a millionaire. She's, like, ninety stages above the cheer captain. Cheer captains are fucking special ed students compared to her. And she never wears fucking t-shirts. She wears $10,000 Halston gowns and all kinds of other sparkly shit. Some producer in Nashville probably made her write this so that fat Jenny in the seventh grade out there would have music that "speaks to her". And there's nothing mature about this shit. It's the soundtrack to a trip to Spencer Gifts. Anyone could write that. I could write that.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:06 pm 
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if you changed all this music talk to appropriate words including "stephanie meyer", "twighlit", "edward cullen", and "bella", the opinions are the same.

my point is they both reach and play to the same market. who cares? smart business people find their niche and sell their product. i think nickleback is the same thing as taylor swift with a different demographic.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:17 pm 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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No argument with that.

I think that the difference is that with Twilight, nobody is running around telling you what a phenomenal writer Stephanie Meyer is. She writes a story, and if people like it, they like it.

Taylor Swift gets nominated for songwriting awards when the content of her songs have the depth of a 14 year old's diary. If she wasn't the country mold of skinny attractive blonde who can play some guitar, she would be nothing.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:02 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Squanto wrote:
No argument with that.

I think that the difference is that with Twilight, nobody is running around telling you what a phenomenal writer Stephanie Meyer is. She writes a story, and if people like it, they like it.

Taylor Swift gets nominated for songwriting awards when the content of her songs have the depth of a 14 year old's diary. If she wasn't the country mold of skinny attractive blonde who can play some guitar, she would be nothing.

heres something some people dont know. flash back, maybe 10 years. young country artist wannabe named avril lavigne was trying to make a name for herself. record companies saw a marketable young woman, but in the wrong arena. they transformed her into a "punk rocker" (that music is NOT punk. shes a pop artist in a punk outfit) and she blew up for a few years. now shes not what she used to be, but lookie here, taylor swift is blowing up.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:51 pm 
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Squanto wrote:
No argument with that.

I think that the difference is that with Twilight, nobody is running around telling you what a phenomenal writer Stephanie Meyer is. She writes a story, and if people like it, they like it.

Taylor Swift gets nominated for songwriting awards when the content of her songs have the depth of a 14 year old's diary. If she wasn't the country mold of skinny attractive blonde who can play some guitar, she would be nothing.

Someone's jealous of her fame and fortune because he didn't think of writing these songs first. :lol:

CriminallyVu1gar wrote:
No need for violence, just tell her she's got a game misconduct and show her the door.

Rud wrote:
As I said in the GDT, the call on Rivet was horseshit. The Bruins player was holding onto Rivet's stick like it was the last fucking raft on the Titanic.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:45 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Meh, Avril is probably my second favorite artist and Taylor is probably top five.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:51 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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i wont trash avril. when i worked at the palace, i exchanged limited dialog with her. in my fleeting moments with her, she was extremely kind. so shell always have my respect for that. her music isnt my style, but she was nice.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:10 am 
Garbage Man
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i don't see taylor swift as one of those musicians that was created. she's just an 18 year old girl singing about what a girl who's 14- 18 goes through. yeah, shes totally beautiful and so sometimes her lyrics just make you want to roll your eyes.. but she's singing for her target audience. and really isn't all song writing just telling a story. so what if it doesn't apply to her.

also her age/sexuality wasn't exploited to get famous like britney, christina, hell even miley cyrus now, so even if her parent's did decide moving to nashville was the best thing for the girl, you gotta atleast respect them for that and drawing that line.

and for what it's worth, i can't stand this kind of music.. if i'm going to listen to female singers its going to be jenny lewis, karen o, feist, zooey deschannel, and kate nash. which by the way, i can NOT understand why she isn't famous at all here in america.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:44 am 
Thy Horror Cosmic
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Cuz this country's pop music scene is fucked up.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:48 am 
Captain Dynasty
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i dont think taylor swift is country, either. for the record. pop with a small southern influence. like a twang and a slight accent. doesnt make it country, in my opinion. my friends LOVE her, but i think they just jack off to her.


PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:48 am 
Carlos Spicy-Wiener
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shedoesntgetit wrote:
i don't see taylor swift as one of those musicians that was created. she's just an 18 year old girl singing about what a girl who's 14- 18 goes through. yeah, shes totally beautiful and so sometimes her lyrics just make you want to roll your eyes.. but she's singing for her target audience. and really isn't all song writing just telling a story. so what if it doesn't apply to her.

She's 20 years old singing about being a 14 year old. My major problem is that she's winning songwriting awards over other, more deserving artists, for doing nothing but repeating insecure girlie diary crap. People are praising her on how deep and introspective her lyrics are. I could find the same crap in my 15 year old niece's diary. This girl hasn't lived a life. Her parents are loaded, she pulled out of public school when she was 14 and was homeschooled when they moved to Nashville. She said she got picked on in middle school. Who the hell didn't? At that age, when a guy picked on a girl it was because they LIKED her!

If that's the music she wants to make, fine. I'm not going to dig her for that. But to give her major rewards for pining about a boy and being the ugly duckling (which she's never been) ? it's a damn joke.

Oh, and her penchant for making the exact same facial expression and saying 'WHAT!!!' every time she wins an award reeks of disingenuousness. After the first 30 awards, stop acting surprised when you win something.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:57 am 
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I clicked on this link expecting to see pics of Taylor Swift and her ability to cock gobble.
Instead its about her other career?

This is just a mis-leading thread title............ ;)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:49 am 
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Squanto wrote:
I think that the difference is that with Twilight, nobody is running around telling you what a phenomenal writer Stephanie Meyer is. She writes a story, and if people like it, they like it.

really? i've heard it a lot.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:49 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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Squanto wrote:

Oh, and her penchant for making the exact same facial expression and saying 'WHAT!!!' every time she wins an award reeks of disingenuousness. After the first 30 awards, stop acting surprised when you win something.

HOLY SHIT THIS! its not that she acts surprised, its that shes a bad actress when she tries and shes over the top with it.

within two years though, shell be starring in her very own hollywood movie. lemme outline the plot for you.

southern girl, raised right by her widowed father/single mother raises her after her daddy left, meets boy. they fall in love, but with everyone who gets close to her, she pushes them away, as shes damaged goods, and doesnt want to get hurt. however, this guy is a true southern gentleman, and he just wont quit. he comes back when she needs him most. there will be at least one scene when shes down and out, where shes on the porch strumming her guitar, when the single parent comes out and lays some heavy life lesson on her on how to love.

wheres my cut?


PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:30 pm 
Star Sniper
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She's so pretty, why can't you guys just appreciate her beauty and leave her alone?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:39 am 
Rink Rat

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Man that is one long Taylor Swift hate article. Don't really put much time to read things like this, but this one had my eyes glued for some reason. I don't like Taylor Swift much nor do I hate her. I just got curious where all the hate is coming from. Haha. Now I know. @_@

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:45 pm 
Captain Dynasty
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i have nothing against her, really. i just dont care for pop music, and country music. so this manufacture pop music with a country twang REALLY isnt for me. its as original as having white bread for dinner.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:36 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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onguard wrote:
Man that is one long Taylor Swift hate article. Don't really put much time to read things like this, but this one had my eyes glued for some reason. I don't like Taylor Swift much nor do I hate her. I just got curious where all the hate is coming from. Haha. Now I know. @_@

Please stop resurrecting threads that died 2 years ago.

ksquier89 wrote:
Holy fucking fuck...Boyes couldn't suck a dick if it landed in his mouth.

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