BlueandYellow wrote:
I know you have your opinion. And I didn't expect "System is the best", but I'm allowed to say WHY I think System is more talented, right?
Talent is a LOT more than where you went to school or what experience you have. It is also way more than how technical you can make your music to show everyone how educated in music/music theory you are. Actually, talent is the opposite of that. As an artist, I know people who are amazing technical painters and would blow your socks off, but if they paint tea cups with their skills I may not connect to them as much as another guy who paints from his gut and does some amazing emotional piece. Also, System's lyrics are murky, dark and confusing. I don't want to have to go break down their songs, get lyric sheets and research what they are onto, I want to listen to the songs, understand the words and let them effect me. With Alice in Chains they are right out in the open for your from the heart instead of wrapped in "weirdness" or "eccentricities".
You can say why you think they are more talented and that's fine. What I am saying is that explanation doesn't hold much water when I listen to the two bands and am effected much more by one than I am the other. Hell, Rusted Root is chocked full of music geeks, degree holders ect but they aren't on the top of anything when it comes to influence. Bad Religion has ridiculously smart, talented, educated members as well. My point is that as far as talent, it's like a hockey team. If you stick a bunch of talented player together that don't gel then you get a shitty product. I don't like System's product despite them being talented.