Skyline_BNR34 wrote:
Vanek_Fanatic_26 wrote:
sabretoothpick wrote:
Vanek_Fanatic_26 wrote:
Yeah, I don't think this should be a cause to look down on Ehrhoff for. You have to feel a little bad for the guy. He signed here expecting to compete, and he's been involved with nothing but bullshit while playing relatively well.
He's 32 and hasn't won a cup yet. Considering the Sabres current situation it's unlikely he'll win one here. He might net a nice return at the draft if he gets traded.
Right, but there's that whole cap-recapture clause that would end up fucking us if we did trade him. He's unfortunately bound here for the life of the deal unless he gets bought out in the offseason along with Leino.
Which clause is that?
Toward the bottom of the pageQuote:
Teams receiving a “cap advantage” from long-term contracts — defined as seven years or more for contracts signed prior to the January 2013 CBA — will be penalized in the event the player retires or “defects” from the NHL before the contract expires. A team receives a “cap advantage” when the player’s actual salary exceeds his cap hit in a given year.
Following retirement/defection, the “advantage” will be “recaptured” and charged against the club’s cap in equal amounts each year until the contract expires. This penalty applies to any team that received a cap advantage from the contract — ie. a traded contract — except in the event that the trade occurred prior to the new CBA coming into place in January 2013.
[ Edit: June 2, 2013 ] Teams do not receive a credit for net negative cap benefit (where cap hit exceeds salary over the course of the contract prior to retirement). However, in calculating net “cap advantage,” teams do receive a credit for seasons in which cap hit exceeds salary.
Please note, contracts that fall under the "over-35" rule do not qualify for cap benefit recapture, the NHL has confirmed. In these cases, the team is charged with the player's full cap hit.
Also note, the 2013 CBA defines "Long-Term Contracts" in Section 50.5 (c) (ii) (A) (P. 265) as any contract entered into prior to the execution date of the agreement that has a term in excess of six years, meaning all contracts signed after the lockout are not subject to recapture penalties.
Girgensons for captain. Team Keep Nick DesLauriers forever.