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 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:10 pm 
Sober enough to run a server
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Stuuuuuuu wrote:
Be sure to treat YOURSELF well too Cross, because you're going through a major crisis too.

I know, that's what everyone keeps telling me...There's just no time usually. The wife has been making sure I get time to brew once a month or so but my attitude is once this is all over daddy get's a week in Vegas by himself ;)

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:31 pm 
Superstar Goalie
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Take the Audi out for an hour or two ;)

ksquier89 wrote:
Holy fucking fuck...Boyes couldn't suck a dick if it landed in his mouth.

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:26 am 
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NYIntensity wrote:
Take the Audi out for an hour or two ;)

I've been going to the office on average about once a week and I take the most round-about commute possible to maximize driving enjoyment.
I do love that car :)

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:08 pm 
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For those wanting an update, we just had a meeting with the oncologist and he officially declared my wife's cancer in remission :)

She still may have another spinal chemo treatment and will see a lymphoma specialist to judge whether she needs to do anything with her bone marrow, but right now she's cancer free.

w00t! (happy dance)

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:21 pm 
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Yeah fuck you cancer

"Counting all the assholes in the room, I'm definitely not alone!" ~ Michael Poulsen, Volbeat, Still Standing.

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:11 pm 
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Crosscheck wrote:
For those wanting an update, we just had a meeting with the oncologist and he officially declared my wife's cancer in remission :)

She still may have another spinal chemo treatment and will see a lymphoma specialist to judge whether she needs to do anything with her bone marrow, but right now she's cancer free.

w00t! (happy dance)

:dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance:

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:23 pm 
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I'll be that guy and revive a really old post.
Some of you may know what's been going on if you know me on facebook or twitter, but I thought an update here makes sense too.

After my wife was declared in remission from her round of chemo, a biopsy 6 months later revealed the cancer had come back. Due to the type of cancer and how it was behaving, her doctors put her on the fast track to have a stem cell bone marrow transplant.
She went through about 3 months of strong chemo treatments (4 days in the hospital every 2 weeks) to kill the cancer and lay the groundwork for the transplant.
On May 13th she was admitted to City of Hope which is a regional cancer research hospital (sort of like Roswell in Buffalo). Getting a bone marrow transplant is, to put it lightly, hard core.
They plan on a month long hospitalization and that's what it took for her.
She got massive doses of chemo and radiation her first week there which basically kills all cancer along with all bone marrow and consequently her immune system.
They had initially planned to do an auto-stem cell transplant where they would use her own stem cells to rebuild her bone marrow and immune system, but they found a genetic problem that would prevent that possibility, so she needed a donor.
We got very lucky and her little brother was a perfect match (a 25% possibility) so he donated the stem cells for her transplant.
Once her immune system was gone and her white blood cells were down to a dangerous level she got the transplant. Once they take hold, she began to produce her brother's blood, with her brother's DNA and start to grow her brother's immune system (along with his allergies etc). It's pretty fascinating stuff.
In the hospital she was treated like a bubble boy...everything was sterile, we had to wear masks and gloves to visit her...I haven't been able to kiss her since she went in...she wasn't able to touch our 2 year old for over a month.
But, she recovered on schedule and she's out of the hospital now and back at home. She has to wear a mask when she goes out or when she's around the kids because the smallest infection could put her back in the hospital. She has the immune system of a baby right now. It doesn't know hoe to fight anything. We still have to be ultra-cautious for the first 100 days and cautious for the first year.

It's been a rough few months. Taking care of 2 kids and a wife full time is enough, never mind work.
In an odd turn of events that's actually a good thing, AOL decided to close the department I work for so I'm out of a job pretty soon. Although that's allowed me the time I need to take care of all this.
I eat stress for breakfast. Ooooh yeah. ;)

Hold my beer and watch this...

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:53 pm 
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Shit dude... Glad she's better now. Wish ya luck man.

"Counting all the assholes in the room, I'm definitely not alone!" ~ Michael Poulsen, Volbeat, Still Standing.

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:59 am 
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Damn dude.

I'm hoping the best for you guys. Science is pretty amazing huh, to think of the crazy things we can do now, like completely replace someones immune system.

It's things like this I have day-mares about while looking at my now 6 week old baby girl. Things can go so terribly, horribly fucking wrong sometimes, I know they're out there waiting to happen, I hope I have the strength and wisdom to get us through them like you seem to be doing. keep on keepin on man.

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:11 pm 
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Damn XC, that’s one hell of a rough go, man. As someone who also had to stand by while a family member endured the chemo battle, I can level with the toll it takes on everyone involved. By the sounds of things, you guys are going to pull through this and will come out shining in the end. You & yours are in our thoughts, for sure, and here's to a speedy recovery for your wife!!

Keep on keeping on, d00d!!

If it's a tight squeeze, spit on it! - NyI

He's a middling AHL player who had the good fortune of a drunk arbitrator. - The Squanto re: Tim Kennedy

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:12 am 
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It's still amazing to me that we've figured out a way to find stem cells in adult human bodies, when a major caveat of stem-cell research was that it was inhumane and immoral because the only way to get them was through unborn babies. Glad that's a thing of the past and your wife is the beneficiary of that.

As for your job, I wish you all the best.

Hang in there, man.

Girgensons for captain. Team Keep Nick DesLauriers forever.


 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:50 am 
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I'm wishing your wife all the best. Cancer takes a toll on your whole family.
May all your updates be good ones. ((hugs))

 Post subject: Re: Been gone a while...
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:18 pm 
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Oh man, I don't know if you want to update us, but, I'm hoping things worked out?

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